He went beyond the bounds of reason in those days. 他那时候太狂妄了。
It is beyond the bounds of human knowledge. 这已超出人类知识的范围。
What he did went beyond the bounds of law. 他的所作所为已超出了法律允许的范围。
Natural languages are beyond their scope, but most computer programming languages are within their bounds. 自然语言超出了它们的范围,但是大部分计算机编程语言在它们的范围之内。
He kept the poultry, geese, and pigs from straying beyond their bounds and particularly from doing mischief in the garden. 他还看管鸡鸭鹅和猪,以免它们乱跑,尤其不准它们在花园里捣乱。
A fictional character in Dostoevsky's novel` Crime and Punishment '; he kills old women because he believes he is beyond the bounds of good or evil. 陀斯妥耶夫斯基小说《罪与罚》中的人物;他杀死老太太,因为他认为自己超越善恶。
I wish I could travel by the road that crosses baby's mind, and out beyond all bounds; 我希望我能在穿越宝宝心灵道路的旅途上,抛开一切的束缚;
Both I and joy are beyond all bounds and states; 我和欢乐都超越过一切境界。
The idea of a stateless central bank running a currency beyond the bounds of a state has never looked stranger, or harder to sustain. 目前,设立一个超国籍的央行,发行超国界的货币这一想法,看起来前所未有的不合实际、难以保持。
Our policy, including the confiscation of the land of the landlords and the enforcement of the eight-hour working day, never went beyond the bounds of capitalist private ownership; our policy was not to put socialism in practice then. 我们的政策,包括没收地主土地和实行八小时工作制在内,并没有超出资本主义范畴内私有财产制的界限以外,并没有实行社会主义。
However, an application screen's content can extend beyond the bounds of the device screen, requiring users to scroll. 其实不然,应用程序界面完全可以超出设别界面的范围,而这个时候,用户就要滚动页面以看到整个页面内容。
Kant might still maintain that logic in Frege's sense, being stronger than the traditional logic, goes beyond the bounds of the analytic. 康德可能会指出,弗雷格意义上的逻辑要比传统逻辑强,已经越出了分析性的边界。
2 cor.10:14 for we are not extending ourselves beyond our bounds, as if we did not reach you, for we were the first to come even as far as unto you in the gospel of christ. 林后十14我们并非过度伸展自己,好像达不到你们,因为在基督的福音上,我们是最先来的,甚至远及你们。
If a write to an index beyond the bounds of an array is attempted, a run-time error will be generated. 如果试图超过数组界限写入,会产生一个运行时错误。
Now your role extends beyond the bounds of the Cold War world. 如今,你们的职能已经突破了冷战国家的界线。
It is not beyond the bounds of possibility that they will have a good command of English after three or four years of intensive study. 他们经过三、四年专门的学习,掌握英语并不是不可能的。
They are actions that may stretch our comfort zone or our capabilities but they don't require us to leap completely beyond the bounds of our confidence. 它们是能将我们带出舒适区、或扩大能力范围之外的行动,而不必要我们完全跳出自信范围圈。
Sometimes images that go beyond the bounds of the histogram are okay. 有时候,直方图在边缘超出也是可以的。
Part of a fence which is beyond white stakes defining out of bounds, and therefore not a boundary fence, leans onto the course and interferes with a players swing. 栅栏的一部分越过定义界外的白色立桩,因此不是边界栅栏,倾斜在球场上,影响球员的挥杆。
Man's imagination may extend beyond the bounds of space and time. 人类的想像力得以拓展,超乎时空的境界。
To enlarge beyond bounds or the truth. 扩大地超过了界限或事实真相。
These will be the most sensitive instruments ever built, capable of reaching beyond the bounds of our own solar system. 届时将会用到最灵敏的器械,而人类则将有能力到达我们太阳系的边界之外。
It is beyond the bounds of the country. 这是在国家境界之外。
Within your lifetime powerful forces, already loosed, will take us toward a way of life beyond the realm of our experience, almost beyond the bounds of our imagination. 你一生中有力的精力已经释放,在我们经历领域的另一方面,这将使我们面对生活的方式,同时也是我们想象中为所不及的。
The idea of literature science beyond bounds appears aggressive but does not help the healthy development of subject. 文艺学越界的主张,表面看来很具拓展意义,实质上却不利于学科的健康发展。
Range of optimum temperature is wider, 19~ 28 ℃; compensation point of high temperature is about 63 ℃ that far go beyond the bounds of C 3 herb in the appropriate condition. 最适温度范围较宽,为19~28℃,高温补偿点高达63℃,远远超出C3阳性草本植物的范围。
Therefore, beyond the bounds of limited English knowledge, they can broaden their thought when expressing and finally, benefit from the native language during studying. 同时在表达上拓展他们的思路,使其不受有限的英语知识的束缚,在英语学习过程中受益于原有的母语知识。
It inevitably becomes the focus of controversy that whether the emotional distress damages can be beyond the bounds of tort law and be applied in the field of contract law. 精神损害赔偿能否超出侵权法领域进而在合同法领域也得到适用就不可避免地成为争论的焦点。